Blue Card
Silver Card
Gold Card
For our registered members,remittance request made from webpage or at our counter and payment done through remittance card or cash, the stamp gets collected for every remittance that has been completed. This does not apply for our guest users.
Stamp gets collected only after the completion of remittance. In case of refund or cancellation, stamp doesnot get collected.
Introduction Stamp is collected only when the introduced friend uses introduction code during membership registration and the procedure of identity confirmation is completed.
1.Tell your family, friends about your introduction code.
2. Write an introduction code in the membership registration form and register as a member in RupeeSend
3. Once the introduction is completed with identity verification procedure, one stamp will be collected.
Check your introduction code on My Page.
1. Enter your friend's information and send a message
2.Member registration through URL of the received message
3. When the introduced person completes the identity verification procedure, one stamp is collected
Introduction by e-mail · SMS